Geoff Cole
G. Cole is an innovator, disruptor, inventor, author, public speaker, brainwave analyst expert, Life Coach, mentor, entrepreneur, healer, teacher, science enthusiast, spiritual guide, creative creator and thought leader.
​G. Cole is an author of non-fictional work regarding consciousness, neuroplasticity, and mental health. He is also one of the world’s foremost experts in neuropsychophysiology, mental health, brainwave analysis and neuroplasticity as well as a relationships and conscious parenting expert. His name is Geoffrey, but he likes to be called G.
Geoff's Story
G’s story began on the other side of the spectrum. His journey involved a family with alcohol use disorder (AUD), which is in fact considered a “family disease” — addiction inevitably impacts the entire family. As a consequence, he experienced the typical emotional conflicts and suffered with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, leading to his own addiction, financial ruin, suicidal ideation, and so much more.
One would think that G. was doomed to an entire lifetime of misery.
However, he had a calling — and miracles do happen.
Just when life seemed completely unbearable, he somehow got the will to turn it around. It didn’t happen overnight — it was a process that began with a decision.
G. decided to learn about what made him “tick.” First, he sought professional help. Then, he ventured to study psychology, human behavior, and the nervous system — brain, body and mind. Ultimately, he empowered himself by putting that knowledge into action. He proved to himself that regeneration is possible.
The gratitude that G. felt about the changes in his life, gave him the desire and drive to help others and show them how they, too, can create the changes necessary in order to live happy, healthy lives. Since the year 2000, he has dedicated his life’s work to helping others achieve this.
In 2016, G. founded Pathwaves, where he has succeeded at more than just cracking the code of consciousness. As Founder and CEO of Pathwaves, the path to better brain waves, G. has helped over 1,500 clients — men, women and children improve how they live their lives; has analyzed over 200,000 brain map segments; and, has created and facilitated more than 20,000 Neuroempowerment™ sessions. He has literally reviewed more than 1,000,000 minutes of brainwave recordings. He is the creator of NeuroEmpowerment™, a pioneering science designed to balance the brainwaves, empower humans to take control of each day and live consciously in the present.
G. is a happily married man, devoted father, son and brother. He also participates in many water sports, and has a prolific butterfly garden. He lives and works in Miami, Fl. He is actively working on publishing his writings as a part of his dedication to helping the world become a “love-based” place. He is succeeding at this one world at a time by helping people make this transition in their internal world; their nervous system!