G’s Formula for Living From Love
In order to “live from love” G created a formula for living which involves training our nervous system to know that “I want to function based on the characteristics of love. “
Here is a list to that might help drawn form 1 Corinthians 13:
Love is:
● Patient
● Kind
● Does not envy
● Does not boast
● Does not dishonor others
● Is not self-seeking
● Is not easily angered
● We don’t keep track of wrongs (resentments happen when we do), simply pay attention and learn from the events
● Does not delight in evil, and rejoices in the truth
● Always protects
● Always trusts
● Always hopes
● Always perseveres
● Never fails
● Free of all fears concerning that which Doesn’t Fundamentally Matter to our survival (DFM)
● Conquers all
(*Keep in mind the trinity and dynamics of love knowing we must love ourselves fully first before we can love others. Say I love you in the mirror at least once a day to fortify this. Also remember that Love needs to be felt, given, received! – Read this blog for more information on this – https://pathwaveslife.com/love-ia-an-action/ )
A meditation to entrain your nervous system to “live from love”:
As you breathe, imagine attaching the energy of love to your breath, creating a “love air” if you will. Knowing that your body requires air to function, imagine this “love air” going through your entire body and firing up love energy in all of your cells and your entire body. Imagine creating so much of this energy that the “love energy” emanates from your body 1 – 3 feet – creating a cocoon of “love energy” known as the “Love Cocoon.”
Another meditation that will help us to move our fear-driven reactions to love-driven responses is to entrain your nervous system in line with the following – born of the Saint Francis Prayer:
● When (or where) there is hatred, let me respond with love (see above list)
● When there is injury, let me respond with apologies and effort to help resolve or heal the injury
● When there is doubt, let me respond with faith and trust and communicate that faith and trust
● When there is despair, let me respond with hope, communicate hope and add or give hope to the situation
● When there is darkness (fear etc.), let me respond with light (love etc.)
● When there is sadness, let me respond with compassion and add joy to the situation
● Help me to console instead of seeking to be consoled
● Help me understand rather than seek to be understood
● Help me to love and accept love rather than seek to be loved
● Help me to know that I have to take care of myself first so that I can give love for it is in the giving that we receive
● Help me know that when I forgive I forgive myself and receive forgiveness
● Help me know that my response to “not being good enough” is ego and when ego dies I can be love based
G. Cole