Human beings can be ridden by stress and anxiety, creating an endless cycle of more stress and anxiety normalized in our daily living. By viewing mental health from a neurological perspective, we can understand mental health status more clearly and effectively reduce anxiety and stress levels in our nervous system.
There are many different causes, forms and levels of excessive anxiety and stress. Anxiety is any unwanted increase in nervous system energy, and stress is the physical effect and sensation of that anxiety as well as the physical effects of all other activity. A good analogy is that anxiety is keeping everything on your table and stress is the impact and the tension caused by the weight of all those things on the table. Yes, there are normal levels of anxiety and stress. It is the excessive anxiety and stress which interrupts our ability to feel comfortable and enjoy living life the way we want and deserve. The way to handle excessive anxiety and stress may differ based on the different causes, forms and levels that the person is feeling. Evaluating anxiety from the causes of the anxiety can help us avoid having the anxiety and the stress caused by that anxiety now and in the future.
There are many different levels of the human psyche from which anxiety can emanate. For the purposes of this discussion we will limit this to the 5 main areas of our psyche identified through EEG brain map analysis as the Slow Cortical, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma brain wave frequency bands. Imbalances and or excessive energy in any combination of these frequency bands can cause excessive anxiety. Depending on the imbalance combination, the anxiety will feel and manifest differently which may require a different way to mitigate the anxiety. Learning the origin and level of the anxiety greatly assists you in figuring out how to stop suffering from that anxiety.
The Levels of The Mind Where Imbalances Cause Excessive Anxiety as Measured in Brain Waves
Extremely Low Level Anxiety - Anxiety that manifests physically or affects function - Causing digestion, sleep, eczema, fibromyalgia, Tourette’s syndrome, many other physical afflictions, focus and concentration issues, learning disabilities, phobias, obsession issues or compulsion issues - Indicated by imbalances and/or excessive energy in the Slow Cortical range of the brain map (.001 - .999 hz).
Low Level Anxiety - Anxiety the manifests with hyper-vigilance and over-reaction at the sensory and or emotional levels - Causes the problems described in the Slow Cortical Range and creates excessive animal instincts reactions (fight/flight/freeze/panic), Low level emotions are processed in this range. - Indicated by imbalances or excessive energy in the Delta ranges of the brain map (1.0 - 3.0hz).
Mid Range Anxiety - Anxiety that manifests in emotional responses and in interpersonal relationships in the areas of trust, safety, control, loyalty, commitment and behavioral issues (the most important interpersonal relationship is the one with ourselves) - Indicated by excessive energy or imbalances in the Theta regions of the brain map (3 - 7 hz).
SMR Anxiety - Anxiety that manifests in physical overreactions such as allergies, eczema, ticks, spasms, immune system issues and hyper-active responses - Indicated by excessive or imbalanced energy levels in the SMR range (12 - 15 hz).
Mid to High Range Anxiety - Anxiety that manifests in worry, anxiety, obsessive fear patterns, compulsive fear patterns, excessive and or prolonged emotional responses, confusion, misunderstanding, extremists behavior and many other behavioral issues - Indicated by excessive or imbalanced energies in the Beta ranges (15hz - 40 hz). This range also shows the build up of stress due to the neurological imbalances in the other levels of the psyche.
High Range Anxiety - Anxiety which manifests in disassociation (numbness) or mortality and levels of existence issues - Indicated by excessive or imbalanced energies in the Gamma Ranges (49 - 60 hz or 100 hz dep)
At Pathwaves, we have worked with over 2,000 patients and reviewed more than 30,000 sessions and over 1,000,000 million minutes of brainwave data. By applying NeuroEmpowermentâ„¢, we can gain insight and clarity as to what the best treatment process is to reduce anxiety and stress levels in our patients.
Submitted by Geoff Cole, co-founder and CEO of Pathwaves, a unique center of healing and transformation that will guide you to a state of personal balance, self-awareness and confident control utilizing NeuroEmpowermentâ„¢; a proprietary process which completely integrates psychological treatment with neural therapy - & Melissa Vargas, NeuroTech Coach at Pathwaves, Inc.